Indexing, Ranking, and Search Intent: The Future of Ecommerce

The Future of Ecommerce: Everything You Need to Know (and What’s Next)

It’s clear to see that eCommerce is the future of retail. We’re all about convenience and saving time, especially when using BlueSnap as a payment processor, which means we’ll do anything to avoid going out in person to buy what we need. But as the competition continues to heat up, it’s important for retailers and shoppers alike to know what lies ahead.

The biggest trends in eCommerce right now are mobile, social media, and big data.

Mobile: the growth of m-commerce is happening fast; it’s up to about 19% of all online sales (and that number will only continue to grow), but what’s more important than the numbers is how people shop on their smartphones vs. tablets vs. computers—people use them differently for different reasons, so retailers need a multi-channel strategy to accommodate this behavior across devices. That means having both an app and a responsive website where customers can get information or buy from any device they choose at any time, anywhere. It also means creating targeted email marketing campaigns based on shopping habits by using big data insights, which we’ll talk more about later…


Social Media: social media is a powerful tool for retailers, and it’s only going to become more important in the future. Platforms like Facebook and Pinterest offer unique opportunities for connecting with customers and driving traffic to your site. But it’s not enough to just post links; retailers need to create engaging content that will interest shoppers and make them want to buy from you.

Big Data: as we mentioned earlier, retailers are using big data insights more than ever before to understand customer behavior and preferences. This information is used to create targeted marketing campaigns, personalize shopping experiences, and improve product selection. It’s also being used to develop new business models and strategies—in the near future, all retailers will need a big data strategy if they want to stay competitive.

We also expect to see more in the way of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in eCommerce. These technologies are still in their early stages, but they offer huge potential for retailers who want to create immersive shopping experiences. For example, imagine being able to try on clothes or accessories without having to go to a store, or being able to explore a furniture showroom from the comfort of your own home.

The bottom line is that the future of eCommerce is exciting and full of opportunities for both retailers and shoppers alike. Stay tuned—we’ll be sharing more trends and insights as they happen!